Freedom from salavery


There are  20,000 brick kilns in Pakistan, where adults and children are often duped into bonded labour by factory owners who give them loans. Families agree to work to pay off the debt but bosses add high interest and living expenses – making the debts impossible to pay off.

Salaries for adults – who are forced to work at least 14 hours per day in brutal conditions – can be as low as $5 per day. If they refuse to work, they are often beaten by bosses. Children are oppressed and miss out on education, meaning they live and sometimes die without ever having a chance to experience freedom.


We’re asking you to consider stepping in today and helping those who are bricked in by slavery. maybe it is not possible for you to come here, but there are two main ways you can get involved:

Prayer – We desperately need faithful believers across the world to pray for the families and children to be set free by slavery.

Give – A small amount of money can make a huge difference. Would you consider either a one-off gift towards our Pakistan project or a regular monthly gift?