The Holy Bible is The Word of God. The Bible was the first book to be printed and The Word of God became available for mankind. Since 2007, over 100,000 Free Urdu Bibles have been distributed in Pakistan. We give Free Bibles to individuals who would like to read The Word of God,

we distribute thousands of Free Urdu Bibles during our Large Evangelistic & Healing Festival in Pakistan.


How much does your Bible mean to you? To these believers, it would mean The World to have their own Bible, and to be able to read The Word of God. There is a great hunger for The Bibles in Pakistan. The Bible is a great gift to give someone. The Bible is The Word of God and it will change your life, once you will read it. We are actively involved in spreading the Word of God to those who are not yet reached and preached, one of the major way of spreading the Gospel is to distribute the Bibles, it directly give chance to the person who receives to read the Words and commandments of the God.

We want that every Home in Pakistan will have the Bible.

It is our Vision to END Bible Poverty in Pakistan. “They shall know the Truth & the Truth will set them Free